Sun: 9:15 am

Wed: 6:00 pm

Have any Questions?
  • We're glad you're here! How can we help you find and follow Jesus?

Sunday Small Groups

Sunday Morning Small Groups These Weeks: July 12 ,19, and 26, 2020:

  1. We will be live outside on the youth building porch (depending on weather) or if you can't come join on ZOOM.

  2. We will be meeting both Small Group hours 9:15am and 10:45am for the next three Sundays. 

  3. Yes, masks are required for those in-person.

If joining Sunday by ZOOM use this link:

Topic: Sunday Small Group Zoom Meeting 9:15am and 19:45am
Meeting ID: 823 9402 9367
Password: kevin222

"They Say..."

...if everyone wears a mask and we social distance we are good to go. At least that's what is being said this week. So wear a mask. and keep your distance when you come. Just know things are bound to change as we go forward, let's brace ourselves for it, BUT let's "not neglect to meet together," (Heb 10:24-25) for as God's children we need it.